Rossi Jean's first fair....doesn't she look really excited?
She is really excited here! She had just eaten and was ready for some nap time. How she slept through all the noise gets me.
Layla's first rollercoaster ride. Even though it was for kids, it was really fast and had a fairly high hill. Daddy rode with her. As you can probably was hard to take a picture.
Then it was off to ride the motorcycles. I'm sure in a few years she'll have a real one.
Then here we are at the Himalaya. This one one of my favorite rides at the fair. This one went extremely fast and poor Layla had a hard time holding on. But she loved it.
Slowing it down a little bit with the Dinosaurs. This was kind of neat because it had a handle and you could make his head move left and right.
Time to warm up a bit in the exhibition hall. Just like her Nana...Layla likes to have her face painted. Grampy tried to tell Diana that Rossi wanted her face painted too, but Mom wasn't falling for that.
And the end product. Isn't she just beautiful? Just like her Nana, lol. We had such a good time. Next month it's off to the Strawberry Festival.