Sunday, July 6, 2008

Elusive Gator

Well it finally happened. The camera shy 'gator at the walking trail has finally allowed me to take some pictures. I was so excited to see him Saturday. With the rain we are finally getting, the ponds have filled up and all the wild life is happy. Especially the 'gator since he now has water to swim in. He's only about 4 feet long.
Here's a head shot of him swimming by the dock.

Full body shot. I had to wait him out on this one. He didn't want to show his back.

He's had enough of the camera. He is swimming away.


Andi said...

Oh my gosh...I love seeing aligators in the wild. Great pictures Bonnie...and I love the sign they have posted on the trail.

Check out my March 12th post for a look at a big gator we came across on Lake Kissimmee.

Missy Glave said...

What great pictures ... mmmmm ... I'm not sure I would get that close to an alligator.