Thursday, July 24, 2008

Doctor's Visit

Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending." -- Maria Robinson

What a great saying. And it's so true for me right now. You all know I'm diabetic. And I'm a lousy one. I haven't been to a doctor in almost 2 years. I finally decided I really needed to take control. I have been trying to diet to get some weight off. It's been tough. And I recently went to the doctor, who put me on new meds for my diabetes. The meds are working really good for me. They are helping my sugar to stay in range. Since I haven't been to a doctor in awhile, I have to play catch up on all my tests. Today I went for a mammogram. It's a must for me because I had two aunts that had breast cancer. One on each side of the family. That is the reason I support saving the "tatas". Monday I go for other female checkups that are overdue. After that it is up to me to stay on track. I am watching what I eat. Exercise is a different story. I seem to have no desire to exercise. And I can think up a million and one excuses not to. However, I recently found something that my husband and I can do together. It's called Aqua strength and cardio. It's a workout in a pool. That will be a blog for another day as they only have the classes on Tuesdays. My husband has agreed to try it with me. I'm excited. I used to box and I really enjoyed that, I just need to make myself go again. And I absolutely love to walk, but haven't been in quite awhile. That's enough whining. I wanted to share a picture of this coolest motorcycle we saw. We actually saw this July 3rd at Andi's Igloo. I wanted to take a picture then, but there were too many people around it. Well today when I got to the doctors office, there it was. The man who owns it was one of the doctors. So I got a couple of pictures with no one around. The motorcycle is a Can-Am. It has 2 wheels in the front and one in the back. It's very unusual looking.

This is Hut standing next to the bike. The front is to the right. Pretty cool, huh.

This is a shot of the front of the bike. I just wonder how hard it is to drive.

PS. I just found out this motorcycle belongs to the cousin of a man I work with. How cool is that?


Jill LaFaye said...

Super cool bike!

I love boxing! The Wii has a boxing game that is so much fun and you are sure to work up a sweat..'cause I sure do.

P.S. I am glad you are taking the time to take care of things..because it is important to take care of you:)

About Me said...

That bike is aewsome! i am glad that you are taking care of things health wise. We need you here to blog with. I too have to have regular mammograms, I have an Aunt on mom's side that lost both breast. We support the cause also. Keep, keepin on, on my way to Florida. Have a great day.

Cecile said...

Hey Girl!
I am the same way that you are I hate going to Dr's I have had to maintain a mammogram since I was 35because I gave birth at 31 years old it puts my risk higher and then after my first mammogram I had to get one every 6 months because of a mass they found that has checked out okay for 5 years now so I am on the yearly schedule now...Thank God!!

I like the bike it might be good for a chunky chick like me:))

Take good care of yourself!
Love ya !

Missy Glave said...

Bonnie ... I'm so glad you are going to the doctor and getting everything checked out. So often we worry about our loved ones and don't really take the time for ourselves. I'm really glad you are doing this!

This is a really cool bike. Jerome looks very handsome in the pictures. As far as the owner ... it's a small world isn't it???