Sunday, January 11, 2009

To A Healthier Me

I didn't really make a New Year's Resolution, but I know I need to lose weight and get healthier. So after being in a post holiday slump.....I am ready to begin. Those of you who have been reading me for awhile know that my bike trip ended up being a bust (bike broke). I have a closet full of size 16 clothes that I haven't been able to wear in awhile. I am in a size 20 right now and some of those are snug. I have gained over 25 pounds in a little over a year. Part of the weight gain is from side effects of some meds I'm on. But I truly believe the majority of the weight is because my job requires me to sit on my fat butt most of the day. The job before this was at Cypress Gardens and I walked between 10 and 20 miles a day. So today I made the decision to get up and move and start a healthier life styToday I took TinkerBelle to the walking trail to walk. I used to walk the trail 6 miles a day at least 3 times a week. Today I made it a mile and 1/2, but that's because TinkerBelle gave out, lol.
While I was walking I worked out a schedule in my head. I took boxing a couple of years ago and absolutely loved it. Plus my friend Jane teaches the classes. Her story is an amazing story and someday I'll have to share it with you. Jane lost an amazing 150 pounds and has kept it off.

This is Jane in all her glory.

My schedule that I hope to keep with goes as follows: Walking at the trail on Sundays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Boxing on Tuesdays and Saturdays. Weight Watchers on Mondays. Hopefully now that you all know my schedule, you will help me keep on track. Not only do I want to lose weight, I want to get my diabetes under control. I did well for awhile and now I'm off track again. Losing the weight and exercising will definitely help.

So here's hoping I can keep up at least part of this plan for awhile. And here's wishing all of you the willpower to keep up with your resolutions.


Andi said...

Good luck Bonnie. I know if you make up your mind to do something, you'll get it done. Here's wishing you much success and good health. Hugs, Andi

Missy Glave said...

Oh Bonnie ... good for you! I'm so glad you've come up with a schedule that will work for you. I know you love boxing ... and I'm glad you are going back to it.

Your friend Jane looks amazing ... wow ... 125 pounds? I wish I could do 1/2 of that!

Good Luck!

Cecile said...

Wow! What an inspiration..I know that you can do it if I can and I have been able to stick to the new lifestyle so far with lots of prayer and mood swinging going on over here:)
I will be keeping you in my prayers too my friend!!!