The paramedics and firemen showed up and started me on baby aspirin and hooked me up to a heart machine, then sprayed nitroglycerin under my tongue.
Then I got wheeled to the ambulance where they hooked me up with an IV drip. Another spray of nitro. Checked my blood sugar level, gave me a lecture about not taking my meds correctly and then put nitro in the drip. For those of you who have never had nitroglycerin, it causes the worse headache known to man. Everything seemed to be okay because when we left for my ride to the hospital there were no sirens or fast ride. Once I got to the hospital, they put me in a room in the ER for about 7 hours. They hooked me back up on a heart monitor, oxygen, a second IV in my other arm, drew blood, and checked my blood pressure constantly.
My dualing IVs.
My room....guess I really am younger than I think, lol.
Because the pain would not subside, they gave me a shot of morphine. What an uncomfortable feeling that is until it gets into your system. I thought I was on fire. But once it was in my system I felt great. They kept doing blood tests to check my enzymes and everything kept coming back negative. I even had an echo cardiogram where they do an ultra sound on my heart. They kept me overnight for observation. They observed me alright, every 1/2 hour. One would come in and draw blood. 30 minutes later another would check blood pressure. Another 30 minutes one would check oxygen. 30 minutes later check my vitals.....ALL NIGHT LONG. Needless to say I got no rest. The doctors couldn't find anything wrong with me. I do have to go for a stress test on November 2. Hopefully something will show up that they can fix. In the meantime, even though it may seem like I'm making light of this, I am scared to death. I will be watching my diet closer, even though I have sucked at this in the past. So I am fine for now....will give you an update after the stress test. I am going to try not to stress about little things. I have too much to live for.
About a month ago I did a blog about writing letters and sending through snail mail. I haven't done that since my son came home. I would like for you guys to send me your addresses to my email so that I can send cards or surprises to you guys every once in awhile. All my friends in Blogsville are the best and I just want to thank you all for being there for me through good times and bad. I love you guys.
My email is bonnie_hutto@yahoo.com.
Bonnie, I am just getting back on alittle after surgery. Im still in bed for the most part.
I am so sorry to hear about your trip,but better safe than sorry. I will get on some and double check on you.
My address is Brenda Eason 302 Bayberry Loop Purvis Ms. 39475
I will say my cards from my blog friends were great during my surgery.
Send me yours too please.
Bonnie, believe it or not, you are probably safer now from heart disease than you were. Heart attack is the number one killer of women. It sounds like they now have you ahead of the game to watch you closely. So happy you are being cared for. Love you!
Of my goodness girly:)I have been taking a little break from the computer/facebook and I didn't realize you were sick ..I will give you a call soon:)
LOve Ya!
OMG Bonnie ... what an experience. And NO ONE called us!!
I hope all is well now ...
I knew there was a reason I tried calling you yesterday. I called both phones, but didn't leave a message. That was me.
I love you!
Well I can see why you were so scared, I would have been too! At least you got help right away and were checked out thoroughly and since they couldn't find anything, that's a good sign that it was nothing too serious. I will email you my address and I want yours as well:-) You take good care of YOU, as you say, you have so much to live for yet!!! Love you! xoxo
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