And here he is taking the checkered flag! WHOOO HOOO! Standing ovation, screaming, stomping of feet, clapping of hands.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Motocross in Bartow
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Bubba Gumps is located at the Universal City Walk in Orlando. Warning...if you get there before 6pm parkings is $14. After 6pm it's only $3.
Some different ways to serve shrimp.
A table of party goers...Liz on the left, Scott, Bobby and Bobby's wife Kerin in the back with their daughter Shyenne.
More partyers(sp?)...Diana's brother Casey, her mom Rebecca, in the back on the left, Diana's dad Kevin with Layla on his lap, Ethan ( her BIL), baby Jo and Jessie, Diana's sister.
Our table...Hut, of course. Next is Casey, Rebecca and on the right Wade and Rossi.
Diana socializing at one of the other tables.
Aunt Liz and Rossi Jean.
Rossi all tuckered out from the excitement.
My ex-husband and his girlfriend Christy. They were a little later than everyone else but room was made for them.
Rossi with her Papa wearing Casey's hat.
Layla Sue Hanging Ten after dinner.
Rossi Jean Hanging Ten with Daddy.
Layla Hanging "20" with Grampa Jim.
The "old" newlyweds one year later. Very handsome couple.
Yep, you can tell they've been married awhile, lol.
Grampa Jim and Layla on the Carousel.Nana and Rossi.
It was a fun time had by all. Congratulations to Wade and Diana on their first year together and to many, many, many more.
Bark in the Park and Nature
Here are some of the Daschunds getting ready to race.
Poor Molly. It was so HOT! She wanted to stay on the fountain and walk through the jets, lol.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Nature Walk
As long as I've lived in Florida you would think I'd be used to gators...nope...they fascinate me to no end. This little guy was by himself in the small pond.
And the rabbits have been coming out more. I saw this guy as I was starting my walk.
And this guy on the other side of the trail as I was ending my walk. You can tell it was getting dark by then.
This photo was taken at my job location. You all know there is a ton of wildlife there too. This Sand Hill Crane was checking himself out in the window that is opposite my window. Oh how I love having a window view on the first floor.
I love nature and I'm so glad I get to see so much of it. But as time goes one and more shopping centers and housing developments get built that know one is going to use...the more nature has to find new places to live and undeveloped land is running out. I wish our government officials who approve developement would look at these photos and see what they are destroying.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Visit From My Fav Girls
It was a good visit. I made Cap'n Crunch Chicken & potato salad. Hut made deviled eggs. We ate, drank and were merry. Next visit is at Bubba Gumps at Universal City Walk on Sunday. Wade and Diana have invited family and friends to celebrate their 1st anniversary. I can't wait!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Disney Pecos Bill's Reunion 2010
This is me with Patti. She hasn't changed a bit in all these years. We had some times together back in the day and I'm pretty sure we are going to have some more, lol.This is me, Frank and Patti. Together again. Frank was always our "BIG TEDDY BEAR".
"Frank's Angels".....we were trying to improvise a Charlie's Angels shot.
Random shot of Frank, his wife Karen and Patti.
Frank and his wife Karen. What a great couple. I'm so glad Karen could join us. Patti's husband Shawn was on call at work so he couldn't make it. Hut, of course, went. He was our unofficial photographer.
If you couldn't tell, we met up at Johnson's BBQ in Plant City. What a great place to eat. And they were nice enough to let us sit there for almost 4 hours. So next time you're in Plant City, drop in at Johnson's and give them some business. Not that they need it...that place was hopping all day.
Well I hope you enjoyed meeting my "old" friends. I can not wait to get together with them again. And we are NOT waiting 30 more years to do it.
A foot note: Our friend Mel was supposed to join us but a day at Discovery Cove with her co-workers was more to her liking. It's only been 7 years since I've seen her, and it's not quite 30 since Patti last saw her. Not sure about Franks. But honestly.....old friends or co workers you see at least twice a year (Mel is able to work from her home in Texas and only has to go into the office twice a year).
Monday, May 17, 2010
An engaging situation
Coming Soon.....
Thursday, May 13, 2010
First and foremost on my list is getting my health back on track. This includes finding a new doctor (because I don't feel like I'm getting the care I need from the one I have), keeping better track of my diabetes, losing this excess weight (which is really not easy), and trying not to stress so much, especially about things I have no control over.
My second goal is to get a work out regime going and sticking to it. I LOVE walking. We have so many beautiful walking paths in and around Winter Haven, that you could walk a different one everyday for 2 weeks and not walk the same one twice! I do have a favorite one, though. I've been doing really good for almost 2 weeks now. I took the last two days off because my ankles hurt, but tonight I'm going to be back on track. I PROMISE! And I want to get back into boxing. I love boxing. I have alot of friends who go to boxing. But for some reason I just don't have the motivation to get up and go once I'm home. It's a really good workout...I wish I had room at home for a punching bag...I'd get one and work out at home. I have so much invested in boxing it's crazy.
My third goal is really a short term goal. I am knitting afghans for my two granddaughters. I am going on vacation at the end of the month. Not going anywhere...just staying home. My goal is to try to finish those afghans or get as close as possible before my vacation is over. I haven't really worked on them since I started walking again. Bad Nana, lol.
My final goal (for now) is to be a better person to my friends and family. I unfortunately suffer from depression as a side effect of my diabetes. Some days I just go off on tangents. Those of you who read my FB comments usually know what days those are. I really want to get that under control. I have been working on this and hopefully will continue to get better at controlling it. Medication, unfortunately for me, doesn't help. But I'm open for suggestions.
So what goals do you have set for yourselves?
Friday, May 7, 2010
Two Wonderful Days...Rolled Into One
The next celebration would be for 18 Wonderful Years with the Love Of My Life. I don't know how I got so lucky. Some days I wish I could clone him and then I think....NOPE, not sharing! And my boys got lucky, too. Hut has been an awesome father to both of my children and he is definitely the Grampy to spoil the grandbabies.
Grampy "trying on" a shirt for Layla and a boa! How many Grampys do you know who would do that, lol. He is such a great man.
We renewed our vows on the Valentine's Day before our 16th Anniversary. We had been going through some personal issues and wanted to let everyone know that we would survive through thick and thin. So this was our way of doing it.
I really do love this man with all my heart. I hope I have at least 18 more years with this man.
Dance Like No One Is Watching! I may step on his toes and try to lead, but he dances with me whenever the spirit moves us!
Me and my "chubby hubby". Yes, Ben & Jerry's he was my chubby hubby first. Here's to many, many more years of wedded bliss to the most wonderful man in the Universe. I LOVE YOU!