Hogman and his Gypsy bride make another appearance.
The Joker, Gypsy and Hogman.
The Joker and Hogman.
Gypsy and Joker....eeeewwww I hated that Joker outfit.....too creepy.
Hogman and his Gypsy bride make another appearance.
The Joker, Gypsy and Hogman.
The Joker and Hogman.
Gypsy and Joker....eeeewwww I hated that Joker outfit.....too creepy.
The family looking for the right pumpkin.
Layla seems to have found hers.
Daddy found one too.
Proud pumpkin family....Diana is hiding her pumpkin under her shirt, lol.Layla really wanted this one.
But she's not giving up her little one.
Time to catch some falling leaves. Looks like Rossi wants in on the action too, lol.
Daddy catching some leaves for Layla.
Layla said the heck with this......I'm just gonna get them off the ground.
Daddy helping Layla fill her bag with leaves. The town of Celebration does this every fall. It's lots of fun for the kids (and adults). At the end of November the town with have "snow" falling every weekend. Can't wait for that.
Busy weekend coming up for us. Ghouls Night Out on Friday night. Hut and I do the Hay Ride every year. This year Scott will be helping us. Yeah! Hopefully I'll be able to get some pictures. Then Saturday night it's Trick or Treat with Layla. Sunday is Layla's 3rd Birthday. It's gonna be a fun filled weekend. I hope everyone enjoys theirs.
Scott in front of the Tower.
Looking up the tower.
Some shots of the ornamentation on the tower and the beautiful brass door.
The Tower has/is(?) a Carrillion which is a piano that plays bells. This is Hut and Scott standing in front of a cut out of the largest bell there.
Koi fish in the pond in front of the Tower.
They have a couple of swans there, too.
This is one view from the top of the hill that the tower is on. This sight is going to be extinct soon. It's an orange grove. Most orange groves have been sold and replaced by empty houses, apartment and shopping centers. I believe it's because the children who have inherited these groves are lazy and just want the money. Only my opinion.
Scott in front of the BIGGEST Elephant Ears I've ever seen.
Some random shots of some of the beautiful plants and flowers at the Tower
How cute am I? And just in time for Halloween, lol.
My second surprise I'll have to say was the best. I was just getting into the second part of my shift and who should walk into the lobby???? Wade and LAYLA!!!! I had no idea they were going to stop by. They stayed about 30 minutes. Layla and I went to Human Resources because the ladies there just love her. And I had just bought some nail polish so Nana had to paint her nails before she had to leave. One hand is pink, the other is green.
My 3rd surprise was Scott and Jessie stopping by with food for my break last night. It was nice to have some company for a little while at work. Made the night go by faster.
I'm waiting patiently for the weekend. The FallFest at our local college is Saturday. I look forward to that every year. And on Saturday night I'm hoping to go to Celebration for fall leaves and a horse and buggy ride and finding Layla the right pumpkin in the patch. Celebration is a town Disney built a few years back. It's like Mayberry RFD. They have machines that blow paper leaves for that fall feeling. And their Pumpkin Patch is HUGE. And all year round they have horse and buggy rides. You can take the small carriage which is usually only 2 to 4 people or a big wagon ride which hold probably 10 to 20 people. The people in Celebration usually go all out decorating for the holidays, so I'd like to do that. If we make it to Celebration, you know I'll be taking some pictures.
We decided to go to McD's for lunch. Tyler had his first chicken nugget. He loves the french fries, but he really loved his nugget.
I have to tell you that my nephew L.D. was a hellion as a kid and he really hasn't changed. How he had such fun, cute kids I'll never know. I'll have to give that credit to his wife, Jen.
Hut and Scott getting in on the action!
I thought this was a cute picture of Scott playing with Skylee.
Scott, Jessie and Molly chillin' on the couch. Jessie is Scott's new girlfriend.
And yeah I finally got to see Layla. She spent the weekend at her daddy Jake's house, but we were at Wade's when she got home yesterday. Hut and I went to church with Diana and Wade and then went for a visit until Layla got home. Layla carved the pumpkin in the background with her daddy Jake. She's really proud of that pumpkin. It was good to see her since she's not coming to band practice this week either. But we will see her next weekend and the weekend after. So lots of fun times in the next couple of weeks.